Spotlight: Janet Devlin

‘Country Singer’ marks a bold statement against compromising oneself. Can you share the inspiration behind this track and what message you were looking to get across?  

I wanted to reiterate a lesson that I learned a few years ago. The whole notion of not settling for anything less than I deserve when it comes to love. Now I’m not talking about putting the people I date through the wringer. More not making myself suffer for a love that was merely lukewarm. In my past I would bend and break myself to fit the mould of the person I was dating. But I refuse to do that anymore. As my mother says “take me as you find me, or don’t take me at all”. She’s right. Though the song is about someone, it took that someone to send that message home to me.  


Your upcoming album ‘Emotional Rodeo’ promises a blend of your Irish charm with country rock influences. What was the creative process like for this album, and how does it differ from your previous work?   

A lot of things were different in the writing/making of this album. Especially in comparison to my older works. After essentially trauma dumping in my last album – I was finally in a place to write more in tune to my personality. So there’s a lot more lighthearted and jokey songs on this album. One simple thing that’s different is I used to carry a massive bag filled with journals to every writing session. 


You recorded ‘Emotional Rodeo’ in Nashville and Grammy-award-winning producer Vance Powell has mixed a lot of the songs. How did this experience influence the final sound of the album?  

Recording in Nashville is a whole new world to me. In the best way possible! The energy you get from having a band play live together is truly something else. It brought so much life and personality to the songs that I don’t think I could recreate otherwise. I’ve never done an album this way but I’m so glad I did! The Nashville players are talented beyond belief. Getting Vance to mix was honestly surreal. I couldn’t believe he said yes! Haha. He was the perfect man for the job considering his back catalogue of my favourite artists of all time. Plus his sensibilities with preserving the live nature of the recording and the human elements to the tracks.  


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Hannah Larvin, Editor, Maverick Magazine
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