This may be slightly unfair but everything feels a bit borrowed on this album. The concept and image-borrowed a bit from Bellowhead; the name-borrowed from the Counting Crows and the title, well just obvious. It’s very hard to put my finger on why but there’s something inauthentic about the Roving Crows. With Bellowhead, you get the feeling that they’re really enjoying the music. With the Roving Crows however, you get the feeling they’re playing the music that will get them the most attention rather than the music they’re happiest playing. However, backtrack-that’s not to say it’s unpleasant to listen to. BACCHANALIA is a mainly upbeat album full of slick instrumentals and well-delivered vocals. “Woman After My Own Heart” is a cute and charming sleazebag anthem and “Love Is The Finest Thing” is a jaunty, brassy and catchy number. “Brother” showcases Caitlin Barrett’s likeable voice, and “Dirty Habits” is a toe-tapping party tune. The musicianship on this disc is good; the harmonies and the songs, well-written. In fact there’s not really much to criticise, except the slightly tinny production. I want to love this, not just like it, but it’s been done before and done much better.