Becky Lawrence releases lockdown recorded single 'Empty Friendships'

Up and coming UK artist Becky Lawrence has released her third single in five months in the shape of Empty Friendships, which was recorded  in lockdown. You can listen to the song here.
Empty Friendships, the title coming from a writing session with fellow rising UK artist Charlotte Young, was co-written with her long time guitarist David Griffin, who also produced the track.
Speaking about the song itself, which – as the name suggests – is about the friendships in life that are hollow, Lawrence believes that it is a track that most people can find common ground with as identifying those who really matter in your life is a very important thing to do.
“It’s a song that I think most people can relate to,” Lawrence said. “As you go through life, you start to realise who those true friends are and the ones that, unfortunately, you have to say goodbye to.”
Becky Lawrence, who hails from the Isle of Man originally but is now London based, has been busy releasing singles recently and Empty Friendships comes hot on the heels of Wasted On You (February 2020) and Now (December 2019).
The lockdown has clearly not hampered Lawrence’s creativity, with the artist continuing to work with other UK acts such as the aforementioned Young in addition to Louise Parker, as she continues to work on her next project.

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