Black Mountain Thumb Picks

If you haven’t found the right thumb pick yet, then Black Mountain might be a great place to visit.  Their uniquely designed thumb picks merge traditional shaped flat picks with a spring-loaded plastic back that fits them securely to your thumb.  Black Mountain offers them in different pick shapes and thickness and also you can select how much spring tension you desire.  From the review picks that we received I personally preferred the higher tension picks so that stay securely on my thumb while picking.  These are the first thumb picks to utilize a spring and they are extremely comfortable to perform with.  Black Mountain picks were invented by Cole McBride who was a full-time guitar instructor seeking the perfect thumb pick for his own playing style.  You can select heavy gauge, medium or jazz tipped picks currently.  The variety pack is probably the best option so you can try out different spring tensions and thickness of picks.  Black Mountain has also released a Slide Ring for slide guitar players.  They’ve done an incredible job of merging flat pick benefits and thumb pick requirements into one device at Black Mountain – check them out!   

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