Blast from the past: Nick Mulvey’s ‘First Mind’ turns 10

A decade has elapsed since Nick Mulvey’s debut solo project, ‘First Mind,’ emerged onto the music scene, leaving an indelible mark on listeners worldwide. Transporting ourselves back to the dynamic landscape of 2010, Mulvey’s decision to part ways with his jazz ensemble, Portico Quartet, was laden with both risk and possibility. It marked a pivotal juncture in his artistic trajectory, a leap of faith into the realm of solo artistry where he would redefine his musical identity and carve out a distinctive sonic niche. 


At the heart of this transformation lay Mulvey’s intimate relationship with the guitar, an instrument that would become the cornerstone of his solo endeavours. Departing from the resonant tones of the hang drum, which had defined his sound with Portico Quartet, Mulvey embarked on a journey of musical exploration, harnessing the intricate plucking, picking and strumming of the strings to create a sphere of sound that was uniquely his own. 


Central to Mulvey’s artistic vision was the fusion of diverse musical influences, a testament to his deep immersion in the study of ethnomusicology at university and beyond. Drawing inspiration from the rich heritage of global soundscapes, Mulvey delved into African rhythms, Oriental melodies and the vibrant harmonies of Cuban music. His time spent living and learning amongst different cultures served as a crucible for creativity, infusing his compositions with a kaleidoscope of cultural hues and thematic depth. 


The result was ‘First Mind,’ an album that transcended genre boundaries, seamlessly blending South American rhythms with the soulful strains of folk music to create a distinctive strain of folk/Americana. Each track served as a testament to Mulvey’s multifaceted musicality, deeply exploring themes like the human condition, spirituality and identity with a depth and nuance that belied his years. 


Upon its release, ‘First Mind’ was met with resounding acclaim, its infectious melodies and introspective lyricism captivating audiences and critics alike. Reviews lauded Mulvey’s virtuosic musicianship, citing his deft guitar skills and irresistible hooks as hallmarks of the album’s appeal. Yet, beyond mere technical proficiency, it was Mulvey’s ability to evoke a sense of stillness and introspection through his music that truly set him apart. 


In a world consumed by noise and distraction, Mulvey’s songs served as a sanctuary of calm, inviting listeners into a space of contemplation and reflection. Each note seemed to carry the weight of lived experience, resonating with a profound emotional authenticity that are now a signature of Mulvey’s work, but one that he had established right out of the gate in his solo endeavours.  


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Hannah Larvin, Editor, Maverick Magazine
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