One To Watch: Ryan and Rory

There are duos that capture the heart and spirit of country music, and then there are those that redefine it. Ryan and Rory, the dynamic pair recently honoured as 2024 Highway Finds, fall into the latter category. Their debut EP, self-titled ‘Ryan and Rory,’ has been met with widespread acclaim, establishing them as a formidable force in the industry. 

The decision to name their debut EP after themselves was born out of practicality and a desire for simplicity. “I’ve always had to explain my name to everyone,” Rory explains. “Between Ryan and I, it just seemed easier to go with Ryan and Rory. It’s straightforward and memorable.” Ryan adds with a laugh, “Have you seen my last name? It’s Follesé. If you can spell it, you should go on a game show. We liked the way Ryan and Rory sounds.” 

When asked about their favourite tracks off the EP, the duo’s responses highlight their individual tastes and experiences. Ryan gravitates towards ‘Drunk and Lonely,’ enthusing, “There’s a really cool tempo change towards the end of the song, and I can’t wait to play it live.” Rory, on the other hand, connects deeply with ‘This Town.’ He describes it as the modern-day ‘Wide Open Spaces’ with a ‘Somebody Like You’ vibe, resonating with his recent move to Nashville to chase his musical dreams.  

Their journey to this point is as serendipitous as it is inspiring. Initially meeting at a LoCash concert years ago, they were later reconnected by a mutual friend who saw their potential as a duo. “It went unbelievably well,” Ryan recalls. “We write great together, we sound great together.” Rory is equally complimentary of Ryan’s songwriting prowess, a skill that runs in his family. “Ryan’s parents are monster songwriters. It’s in his genes,” Rory notes. The chemistry between them extends beyond their music. Ryan’s tattoos, a blend of personal passions and spontaneous choices, reflect his free-spirited nature. “My most recent one is a cowboy hat and boots. I’m a huge Dallas Cowboys fan,” he says. Rory, though not yet inked, muses about possibly getting a tattoo at an international festival, starting a new tradition. 

 Their diverse interests and backgrounds complement their music-making process. Ryan, with a backlog of songs ready for Rory’s musical touch, finds their collaboration invigorating. “Since we’ve met, there’s been a lot of growth. It’s become more collaborative, and that makes it so much more fun,” he shares. Rory echoes this sentiment, praising the evolved chemistry and how it enhances their creative output. 


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