Review: Jenny James – Cats Over Men

Mix some Sheryl Crow and Shania Twain together and you get this track. Unabashedly tongue-in-cheek, ‘Cats Over Men’ isn’t just funny, it’s aimed as a political takedown. By the time the pre-chorus comes, the downstrokes of guitar build the track to its titular line: ‘Sorry, but it’s cats over men’. Witty rhymes like ‘my calico says you’ve got to go’ only add to the cat-themed enjoyment of this track. The track could have rested in the territory of lyrically amusing songs, but the instrumentation provides admirable and accomplished backing. The electric guitar lines could be ripped from a 90s Shania Twain track and James’ singing style has just the right dose of country and rock. A must-listen track if you’re a cat lady. 


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