Review: John Ward SARGASSO

John Ward
Ion Music UK
East Anglian singer-songwriter done good
Back in the days of yore, a little after the days of knight’s with helmets and horses, but certainly when I still had all my own teeth, I used to watch John Ward playing support slots in many East Anglian folk clubs, often in the company of Mario Price on violin. Then life intervened and I lost track and now he’s here again.
It has been a pleasure to re-acquaint myself, via cd, I thought he was good back then and it is good to know that my ears did not and still do not deceive me. For he has written all twelve pieces on this cd and there are several little gems amongst them. Most notably “Adrift” which turns its attention to the plight of the many refugees this world is creating, and “The Good Old Days Are Here” which urges us to appreciate the now rather than wait to recall things later.
Backed by a trusty band of top-notch local musicians this is an album that doesn’t share all its beauties with you at the first time of asking, rather it rewards those that have the insight to listen again and treasure the nuances that reveal themselves like the changing colours of a glorious sunset.
So it’s fair to say that I like this, and I have listened more than once, so should you.
Ian Ambrose

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