Review: Little Lore – Seven Stories Part Two

When we reviewed the first portion of this album, we were spellbound by her Tricia Duffy’s ability to highlight unique perspectives with her songwriting and it’s no different with the second part. The stripped-down production still adds to each track, most notably ‘Little Pieces’, which magnifies every small detail to create an uncomfortable atmosphere that feels all at once too close and too far away to see. The choice to end this second part on the upbeat, ironic and funny ‘It Would Be Easier To Miss You If You’d Died’ feels like the cherry on top of a delicious Little Lore sundae. The track plays with humour and also hits emotionally, a trick that is the envy of many a writer. More like a dreamscape than a reality, ‘Seven Stories Part Two’ ticks all of our boxes and the isolated guitar parts on the tracks only makes it better.  


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