Review: ‘The Impossible Wild’ – The Last Inklings

The Last Inklings, made up of multi-instrumentalists David Hoyland and Leonardo MacKenzie, explore the world of folklore and myths on their debut album ‘The Impossible Wild’. Their storytelling lyrics set to symphonic arrangements are something to be marvelled at. Making use of the Cello and Mandolin to great effect the pair’s sound is unique and inspiring whilst their vocal harmonies blend well together.

A couple of standout tracks come in the form of ‘Sleeping Giants’ and ‘The Unkindness of Ravens’ the latter of which is particularly poignant as they bring to life an old legend of Badbury Rings. The mandolin is haunting in the intro, setting the scene from the start. It builds with the introduction of the Cello and David’s vocals. Meanwhile, to contrast, ‘Sleeping Giants’ begins on a much less intense note, it’s relaxed yet sombre.

The record ends with the instrumental ‘White Rabbits’ which brings to the spotlight the musicianship displayed by the pair. It’s a wonderful debut from an interesting and exciting duo.  

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