Spotlight: Elles Bailey

‘Leave the Light On’ has a compelling blend of roots and Americana. What was the core inspiration behind this track, and how did the creative process unfold?  

The song was inspired by a specific occasion when I missed my train home from London and had a huge wave of guilt as I had been away so much, I was expecting a frosty reception but instead the light outside our house was on and that small gesture just felt so welcoming and supportive. I went out for a run the next day and the first two verses just came to me. I had a song write with long term collaborator Will Edmunds that day and we penned half the song. It took quite a lot of rewriting, but we got it down just before going into the studio and I’m so glad we did – it’s my favourite on the record and I love playing it live! It’s autobiographical, and brutally honest but uplifting and celebrates those around you that help you support you to realise your dreams! 


Your new album, ‘Beneath the Neon Glow,’ is set to release soon. Can you share any stories or themes that particularly stand out in this collection?  

This album is my “love album” celebrating all different kinds of love in all its forms. It’s lyrically vulnerable, with very honest songwriting and there’s a large slice of heartbreak however it’s juxtaposed with beautifully uplifting melodies and instrumentation! 


Your music often touches on personal and profound themes. What life experiences or moments have had the most significant impact on your songwriting for this upcoming album?   

Despite there being no songs specifically about becoming a parent, this is the first album I’ve fully written since having Jasper. So, I don’t find it surprising that the album has a theme of love, as once you become a parent you heart tears open a way you can never imagine, and you begin to know a love like no other! 


Collaboration is a key part of the music industry. Are there any unique collaborations on ‘Beneath the Neon Glow’ that fans should be excited about?  

Oh, my goodness so many! I’m very excited to finally share ‘Let It Burn’ written with Katey Brooks… it’s a stunning number and shows me in a slightly different light to the rest of the tracks. And speaking of Katey – it was a pleasure to have her lend her vocal talents to three of the songs – ‘Let It Burn’, ‘If This Is Love’ and ‘Love Yourself’. I also have the incredible Demi Marriner and Liam Cromby who sing on the rest of the album! All three are amazing artists in their own right (go check them out)  – so to collaborate with them is this way has been wonderful! I feel very blessed! 


You’ve received various awards for your contributions to the roots and Americana genres. How do these accolades influence your creative direction and motivation?  

I feel very blessed to have been supported by these beautiful scenes and to win awards in them is incredible. I wouldn’t say these awards influence my creative direction but it’s definitely nice to see the hard work that I have been put in get noticed and rewarded in this way.  I love being a part of these communities, of celebrating our music together! It’s a beautiful thing. 


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