Spotlight: Kris James

Who within the country music genre has influenced or inspired you? 

Within the country music scene I absolutely adore big little town. Obviously I’ve been writing music while before discovering them but I think they’re album tornado was absolutely brilliant and in my opinion really raise their profile across the world. I suppose it’s more pop country but I absolutely love it it’s my go to album when I’m in the car especially when I’m in America.  

Can you talk me through your songwriting process, do you like to start with a lyric or melody or is it different every time? 

Songwriting for me is different every time it depends who I’m working with, although I usually just work with Stew. It can either be me going in with a melody or him with a melody and guitar. Usually my melodies come to me in my head and I record them on my iPhone. It’s kind of strange because those melodies can come when I’m asleep most recently I was on a boat and I had to stop the boat in the middle of the ocean obviously it was a small boat while I record of the melody otherwise if you don’t it disappears. So yeah it’s pretty hard to define how any songwriting session is going to go but usually comes from Melody with me anyway.   

Can you remember the first song you ever wrote? 

This is a funny question the first song I wrote was I’ll never love again!” 

It was when I was 10 and I was dating a girl and then she kissed one of my mates which at the time I thought that I was going to die and so I remember leaving my dad‘s pub. When I say pub I wasn’t there drinking obviously I was 10 but I remember walking down the street actually nearly crying and the lyrics and Melody just came out. To think back to then it’s quite cute and sad but of course that song never made it to any album or any release for obvious reasons!!  

Country music is all about storytelling, I know ‘The Way You Move’ isn’t strictly country but can you tell me the story behind that please? 

Absolutely to be honest with you I think most songs is about storytelling and for me the way you move is kind of just a feelgood track that encapsulates the moment when you’re out and about generally in a club and you see that person could be a boy or a girl that really captures your eye and the way they move just drives you insane. I don’t know I write a lot of songs about being hurt been a romantic being happy and I just decided this time I just wanted to make it about going out on the weekend I’m finding that special person almost like Love At first sight.  

Can you remember a live gig that you watched that changed your life? 

Absolutely I think remembering myself watching live aid was just unbelievable. From the minute it started I think the pinnacle was when Freddie Mercury with Queen came on and sang we Will Rock you those type of concerts are ingrained in our history and we must never forget them and always go back to keep the remembrance. I can’t even imagine how Friddie must of felt on stage because I know when I’m on stage it’s an exhilarating feeling. And the maximum card I’ve done is about 20,000 so that was a whole other experience and a whole lot more people so I can only imagine it was electric on stage and I would love to have been there. 

You’re supporting Will Young on tour, how excited are you about that run of dates? 

I am so excited about the Will young tour, I’m also in two weeks about to go on tour with Anastasia which really freaks me out because growing up we listen to all of her music especially my mum so she is probably more excited than me but I’m so excited. Anastasia tall is around Europe which I’ve never really thought so that’s gonna be exciting. But I’m super excited for the Will young tour as it’s around our own country and I get to meet all the lovely people that have been following me for years maybe even 10 years now, wow that’s a scary thought!  So yeah I’m excited, I’m happy, I’m nervous I just can’t wait.   

You’re working on a new album, can you tell us more about that please? 

Yes, I’m working on a new album, I’m so excited about it. I’m working with the Legendury Sam Williams who is producing it and also now cowriting which Stu Boyle. This time around were really having a lot of fun we don’t necessarily have a timing on the album so it gives us a lot of time to get it right but all I can say with seven tracks in every song is a hit and they get better and better every time so I’m super excited for you guys to hear it. We’re just making this a cool funky disco electronic ambient sounding record with throwing everything but the kitchen sink and I really can’t wait for everyone to hear it.  

What’s next for you? 

So what’s next for me is continuing to finish the album I’m currently going to be on tour from the 18th of August with Anastasia and then Will Young to the end of the year then in December I’m going to take a well deserved and will need a trip to Asia I’ve got some business as I recently signed a publishing deal so it will be very interesting to see how the music goes out in and around Singapore another Asian territories . It kind of makes me really excited as I really love Asian cuisine. But if you’re really interested in keeping in contact and watching me you can follow me on my socials which is @MrKrisJames 

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