Spotlight: Michael Coleman

When did you first know that you wanted to be a musician? 


That’s an interesting question as I don’t really fancy myself as a musician, per se. I classify myself more as an artist. What I mean by that is I am more of a creator of artistic work and my main medium happens to be music. I look at it that way as I do so much more than just pick up a guitar or sit down at the piano. When I composed the theme song to the NAGAAA Softball World Series which is featured on our latest album, “From His Mind” I composed that by tapping it out on the dashboard of the car on a cross country road trip. There were no instruments involved until we went into the studio. With that said, I think I first knew I wanted to be an artist early on in life. When I was 7 or 8 I had the dream of being a dancer/choreographer and that was my main focus for quite some time and it wasn’t until later in life that I decided to write songs and create music even though music was always a huge part of my life.  


Tell me more about the creation of ‘See Your Shadow Songwriting’ and what its aims are? 


Well See Your Shadow was started initially as a means for me to set myself apart from all the other writers trying to crack the Nashville market. Instead of presenting my work as just another writer, I formed the entity known as See Your Shadow and presented my work as the entity.  Over the years it has morphed into many different iterations, but the cornerstones have always been the songs I write.  I chose the name See Your Shadow because my birthday is Groundhog Day and our original logo before we rebranded was a groundhog coming out of the ground and its shadow was wearing a cowboy hat. See Your Shadow’s goals are simple and that is to create good art – plus I would like to have more recognition for our work here in the United States. We are embraced more in the international markets. 

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