Teen blues sensation Odin S to release new single ‘Diona’s Help’

Odin Sokac, known as Odin S, is set to release his latest single, ‘Diona’s Help’, on 13th September 2024. At just 16 years old, this talented singer and guitarist is making waves in the blues scene, proving that music knows no age. Produced by Fabrizio ‘Fab’ Grossi and Matt Pascale, the track confirms Odin’s deep connection to the blues, a genre rich with emotion that transcends generations.

Inspired by Diona, the Greek goddess of rain, ‘Diona’s Help’ carries a powerful and uplifting message: embracing optimism and viewing rain as a positive force. As Odin S puts it, Diona’s rain is “washing away the dirty things and feeding the soil for the grass, trees, and flowers.” The song encourages listeners to find the silver lining in life’s challenges, a message beautifully encapsulated through Odin’s soulful guitar work and poignant lyrics.

Born in Zagreb, Croatia, in 2008, Odin began playing guitar at the age of eleven. By thirteen, he had already composed 26 songs, showcasing a remarkable knack for songwriting. His talent has taken him across Europe and the USA, where he’s performed on stages big and small. Notably, he participated in Little Steven’s Blues Camp in Notodden, Norway, in 2023, thanks to a scholarship from the European Blues Union. In early 2024, he represented at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, followed by another scholarship-fuelled stint at the Pinetop Perkins Foundation Workshop in Clarksdale, Mississippi—the legendary birthplace of the blues.

‘Diona’s Help’ follows his previous acclaimed single, ‘Mannerist Blues’, and precedes his upcoming album, ‘In The Circle’. Odin’s collaboration with seasoned producers Fabrizio ‘Fab’ Grossi and guitar virtuoso Matt Pascale promises to further cement his place in the blues community as a young artist to watch.


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