Spotlight: Rosa Linn

Rosa, your track ‘Universe’ has resonated with so many people worldwide. What inspired you to create a Hindi rendition, and how do you feel it adds to the song’s universal appeal?  

Doing multiple versions in different languages is my way of saying thank you to my fans around the World. Each language has its tone and colours, which gives new life to the song.  


Recording in a new language can be quite a challenge. Can you tell us more about the process of learning and perfecting the Hindi pronunciation for ‘Universe (Mil Jaana Tu)’? Did any specific Armenian phonetics help you along the way?  

Of course, speaking three languages helps me learn the pronunciation faster. For me, it’s a challenge but I like foreign languages and cultures, so I had so much fun singing in Hindi for the first time. Denny helped me a lot in the process, we were sending each other voice notes back and forth until I got the Hindi parts right. 


Your collaboration with Denny on this Hindi version is truly exciting. What was it like working with him, and how did his contributions shape the final version of the song?  

I loved that he added some traditional elements to the production. He’s very talented and a good person in general. It was very easy to collaborate with him. 


‘Universe’ has seen versions in Italian, French, and now Hindi, with more to come. How do you decide which languages to release your songs in, and what factors influence these choices?  

For me, it’s the way the language sounds with melodies. It has to match the song well, I think the languages we chose really fit in with the song! 


The production of ‘Universe’ involved Grammy Award winner Cirkut. How did his experience and expertise influence the sound and feel of the song?  

Cirkut is great! I loved working with him. He made the song sound huge! The production matches the concept of the song perfectly. Super thankful for what he’s done for the song.  


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