15 June 2021


Tools of the Trade: Eventide New Effects Pedals

Eventide has done it again with two new powerful pedals, the MicroPitch Delay and Blackhole Pedal. Both are derived from Eventides popular H910 and H949 harmonizers. Breaking them down into individual units makes them more flexible for live performance. MicroPitch has a dual, pitch-shifted delay with increased ability to fine tune the de-tuning, providing a

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Tools of the Trade: Say Goodbye to Germs on Microphones!

As the world gradually rebounds from a Pandemic, germs and cleanliness remain a major concern for all musicians and performers. Some Songwriter Rounds have moved to placing disposable mic covers over the microphones to protect the performers from potential germs and Covid transmission. VocoPro has just released a much more effective device the Germinator UV

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Hot Guitars: Fender’s Newest Acoustasonic Jazzmaster Guitar

Could Fender’s newest release in their Acoustasonic guitar line be the best yet? The forward-thinking series, launched with the Telecaster and was followed by the Stratocaster. Each instrument providing their own takes on electric and acoustic sound options from one guitar. The Jazzmaster guitar, although originally designed by Leo Fender for Jazz musicians, was instead

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